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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Mestrado Acadêmico em Modelagem e Métodos Quantitativos

Área do conteúdo

José Aílton Alencar Andrade

He holds a Ph.D. in Probability and Statistics from the University of Sheffield, England (2005), under the supervision of Prof. Anthony O’Hagan. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics from the University of Brasília (1996) and a Master’s degree in Statistics and Quantitative Methods from the University of Brasília (1998). He has experience in the field of Probability and Statistics, with an emphasis on Bayesian Inference, focusing mainly on the following topics: Bayesian methods, robust modeling, prior knowledge elicitation, regular variation, and heavy-tailed distributions.




Research Line: Modeling and Quantitative Analysis

Email: jaa.andrade@gmail.com


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