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Universidade Federal do Ceará
Mestrado Acadêmico em Modelagem e Métodos Quantitativos

Área do conteúdo

Admission Processes

The regular admission of candidates for the master’s program occurs twice a year and consists of a simplified admission process based on the analysis of academic records and curriculum vitae. Generally, candidates must demonstrate, through their academic records, knowledge in the areas of Computing, Statistics, and Mathematics acquired during their undergraduate studies. Through the candidates’ resumes, their experiences are intended to be assessed. The main aspects are considered: (i) participation in research and innovation projects; (ii) teaching practice in basic and undergraduate education; and (iii) publication of scientific papers. The items to be scored and the criteria adopted in each admission process are defined by a committee created for this specific purpose, during a meeting of the program’s collegiate body. Affirmative action policies for the inclusion of Black (Black and Mixed Race), Indigenous, Quilombola, and disabled individuals have been adopted since 2024, with the reservation of 30% to 50% of the positions for these groups.

Specific admission processes may also occur based on established agreements.

New student admissions typically take place in March and August, with selection processes launched approximately two months prior to admission.

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