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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Mestrado Acadêmico em Modelagem e Métodos Quantitativos

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Juvêncio Santos Nobre

Possui graduação em Estatística pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (2002- Magna Cum Laude), mestrado em Estatística pelo IME-USP (2004) , com a dissertação intitulada: “Métodos de diagnóstico para modelos lineares mistos” sob orientação do Prof. PhD Julio da Motta Singer, doutorado em Estatística pelo IME-USP (2007), com a tese intitulada: Testes para componentes de

He holds a degree in Statistics from the Federal University of Ceará (2002 – Magna Cum Laude), a Master’s degree in Statistics from IME-USP (2004), with a thesis titled “Diagnostic Methods for Mixed Linear Models” under the supervision of Prof. PhD Julio da Motta Singer, and a Ph.D. in Statistics from IME-USP (2007), with a thesis titled “Tests for Variance Components Using U Statistics,” also under the supervision of Prof. Julio da Motta Singer. He is currently an Associate Professor III in the Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics at the Federal University of Ceará – DEMA/UFC. He is a collaborator in the graduate programs in Mathematics (Level 7 CAPES) and Teleinformatics Engineering (Level 6 CAPES), and a permanent member of the graduate program in Modeling and Quantitative Methods (Level 3 CAPES), all at the Federal University of Ceará. He is also a credentialed professor (master’s and doctoral levels) with the Graduate Program in Statistics at IMECC-UNICAMP (Level 6 CAPES). His experience in the field of Probability and Statistics emphasizes regression models, data analysis, and non-parametric methods, focusing mainly on the following topics: diagnostic methods, mixed models (linear, nonlinear, and semiparametric), hypothesis testing with constraints, U statistics, generalized linear models, data analysis from complex survey designs, repeated measures analysis, fundamentals of probability and statistics, inference in stochastic processes, process control, asymptotic theory, image analysis, and data science. He has over 560 citations and an h-index of 13 according to Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com.br/citations?user=MecqwJIAAAAJ&hl=pt-BR

Research Line: Modeling and Quantitative Analysis

Email: juvencio@ufc.br

Website: https://sites.google.com/dema.ufc.br/juvencio/



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