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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Mestrado Acadêmico em Modelagem e Métodos Quantitativos

Área do conteúdo

Manoel Campêlo

Prof. Manoel Campêlo holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the Federal University of Ceará (1990), a Master’s degree in Systems and Computer Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1993), and a PhD in Systems and Computer Engineering from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1999). He was a visiting scholar at Carnegie Mellon University, USA (2008-2009). He has been a faculty member at the Federal University of Ceará since 1992, where he has been a Full Professor since 2016. He is involved in graduate programs in Computer Science and in Modeling and Quantitative Methods, where he currently serves as coordinator. He leads the ParGO research group – Parallelism, Graphs, and Optimization. He regularly serves as a reviewer for various journals, including the European Journal of Operational Research, Operations Research Letters, Journal of Global Optimization, Information Processing Letters, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Discrete Optimization, Computational Optimization and Applications. He has participated in numerous national and international research projects, many of them as coordinator. His expertise lies in the field of Computer Science, with a focus on Mathematical Optimization (linear and integer programming, combinatorial and graph optimization, polyhedral combinatorics).

Research Line: Computational Intelligence and Optimization

Email: mcampelo@ufc.br

Website: http://www.lia.ufc.br/~mcampelo/



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